MS06: Proteins-Nucleic-Acid Interactions

  • Ralf Ficner (University of Göttingen, Germany)
  • Bohdan Schneider (Institute of Biotechnology Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
  • Date:    Tuesday, 20. August 2019
  • Time:    10:00 - 12:00
  • Venue:  HS32

Interactions of proteins with RNA and/or DNA is important for cell maintenance, division, cell-cycle, differentiation.

10:00 MS06-01 Structural Studies of the Leading Strand DNA Polymerase in Eukaryotes
Erik Johansson (University of Umeå, Sweden) | Abstract preview
10:30 MS06-02 Structural Basis of Ribosomal RNA Synthesis in Bacteria
Yong-Heng Huang (FU Berlin, Germany) | Abstract preview
11:00 MS06-03 RNA Translocation Mechanism of Spliceosomal DEAH-box ATPases
Florian Hamann (Georg-August-University Goettingen, Netherlands) | Abstract preview
11:20 MS06-04 Molecular Mechanisms of TREX1 in DNA Repair and Immune Silencing
Yu-Yuan Hsiao (Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan) | Abstract preview
11:40 MS06-05 Structural Alphabets for Conformational Analysis of Nucleic Acids
Jiri Cerny (Institute of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) | Abstract preview