Announcement of the International Alajos Kálmán Prize
Alajos Kálmán
Announcement of the International Alajos Kálmán Prize
The European Crystallographic Association is pleased to announce the first Alajos Kálmán Prize. The Prize is awarded to an individual researcher in recognition for outstanding scientific contributions in the field of structural sciences within the last 5-10 years.
The International Kálmán Prize preserves the memory of the late Alajos Kálmán, an eminent scientist in the field of chemical crystallography. The Prize is established by the Hungarian Chemical Society and is endorsed by European Crystallographic Association. It is awarded in the ECM years. The prize consists of a medal and a financial award, as well as the awardee delivers a Prize Lecture at the ECM. The selection of the awardee is conducted by ECA SIG13, although the recognised field is wider, including all structural sciences. For more information, please visit the website:
The award lecture will be held on Wednesday, 21st August 2019 16:00-16:30 (Audimax, following MS32 session).
Call for nomination to the International Alajos Kálmán Prize
The nominator must indicate briefly why the candidate is nominated and may include matters such as publication record and impact of his/her research in the scientific community. Nominators may be ECA Individual Members, or any person from a national member of ECA, or any Corporate Affiliated Member. The nominator must ensure a signed acceptance of the nomination by the nominee.
The nominee must have a clear affiliation with the ECA, directly associated with crystallography and a listed member of the World Directory of Crystallography. The nominee shall not hold a current position on the ECA Executive Committee and on ECA SIG13 or be member of the current Alajos Kalman Prize Committee.
The selection of the awardee is conducted by ECA SIG13, although the recognised field is wider, including all structural sciences.
Nominations must be sent to the ECA SIG13 Chair: Petra Bombicz (
Nomination deadline is 1st August 2019
This year's awardee: Luigi Nassembeni
This year's awardee: Luigi Nassembeni
We are delighted to announce that the first international Alajos Kálmán Prize is awarded to
Professor Luigi Nassimbeni
from University of Cape Town, South Africa.
The International Kálmán Prize preserves the memory of the late Alajos Kálmán, an em inent scientist in the field of chemical crystallography. The Prize is established by the Hungarian Chemical Society, is endorsed by ECA, and awarded in the ECM years. The prize consists of a medal and a financial award. The awardee delivers a Prize Lecture at the ECM. The selection of the awardee is conducted by ECA SIG13, although the recognised field is wider, including all structural sciences.
The prize will be handed over during the ECM32 in Vienna:
Kálmán Prize Award Ceremony and Award Lecture
August, 21st 2019, 16:00-16:30, Großer Festsaal (gr FS)